What inspirations and experiences affect how a novel is written?

Ideas for a story can come from anywhere. A news bulletin, a stray remark from a friend, a picture that needs those thousand words writing down, a cheese sandwich (yes, really, though I haven’t yet written this one), a personal experience, a place that ‘speaks to you’. Having a keen interest in history, and how … More What inspirations and experiences affect how a novel is written?


Where do authors find the inspirations for their stories? This trilogy, or a least, book one because I didn’t start out to write a trilogy, was inspired by an article on the television program Flog It! They were visiting the Black Country Living Museum in what was in the early twentieth century the heart of … More THE STORIES BEHIND THE STORIES – THE CHAINMAKERS TRILOGY

A butterfly’s wings, cause and effect, and why fraud is dangerous.

It’s odd the subjects you get led to when researching for a novel. While looking into the events of 1929 for The Chain Mistress, which may not be it’s final title, I came across a butterfly by the name of Clarence Hatry, who flapped his wings with dire effects. Hatry, son of a Jewish immigrant … More A butterfly’s wings, cause and effect, and why fraud is dangerous.