The most ignominious act of treachery in Scottish history.

It’s 1705 and Scotland is on its knees. For years, the country’s Company of Scotland has been denied access to the profitable trade routes to the East Indies by the rival English East India Company. Piracy is rife across the ocean trade routes, the slave trade is at its height, England is keen to avoid war with Spain, and every venture Scotland has pursued has ended in disaster, huge loss of life in a faraway colony, and a further crippling of her economy and her hopes.

The directors of the Company of Scotland lay the blame directly at the feet of the English, not without some just cause, and are driven to undertake a reckless and treacherous course of action that threatens the lives of innocent men and brings England and Scotland to the brink of war.

Such was the state of affairs before the union of England and Scotland, then two separate countries under one monarch, Queen Anne.

Now, as far as I can remember from my school history lessons, this momentous event was covered by one sentence. ‘In 1707 England and Scotland united to become Great Britain.’ Was I interested? Not a bit.

However, I stumbled across this ‘ignominious act of treachery’ when looking for ideas for my next historical novel, and I realised what an extraordinary story lay untold and forgotten.

Much of the research came from the papers of Thomas Bowrey, an English freighter, which were found in an attic in 1913 where they had lain undiscovered for two hundred years, and they throw much light on the desperation of one Scot, Roderick Mackenzie, and the fate of the English ship Worcester and her crew.

I would tell you more, but that would give away the story of two strangers, on opposing sides, who are thrown together on the cusp of war. I’ll just say that by the time they meet, after their own adventures, they are in the midst of a national crisis and on the brink of a disaster only one of them may be able to avert…

Read the whole scandalous story, firmly based in historical fact at

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‘Another cracking adventure.’

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