Today, I’d like to introduce fellow author, Rita Lee Chapman. Tell us something about
yourself, Rita. Have you always lived in Australia?

Hi Rebecca and thank you for hosting me on your blog site.  I was born in London and migrated to Australia in my early twenties.  I loved Australia from the first day – the sun, the proximity to the sea and the wide, open spaces.

I love wide open spaces and the sea. It sounds wonderful.

What first inspired you to start writing and when?

My first book was inspired by a holiday to Egypt.  Although I had started to write during my
working life (on a typewriter!) it was not until I retired that I published my first book, Missing in Egypt the first in the Anna Davies Mystery series.  Egypt seemed the perfect place to set it, a land of mystery and possibilities.

They say writing is a lonely occupation. Have you found that?

No, I become totally lost in my characters, so I’m never lonely.  Finding people to talk with who understand about writing and marketing isn’t easy, so that part can be lonely.

I find my characters become real, too, and I’m very lucky to have a writing buddy.

What is the genre you most love writing?

I love horses, so writing about horses comes quite easily to me.  Winston – A Horse’s Tale is my book for horse lovers, but mainly, for some reason, I write mysteries!  I guess they have a wider appeal.  I have also written three children’s books.

I love horses too.

Where do you find your ideas for a story? What inspires you?

I would have to say, travel.  I love writing about places I have visited or would like to visit. The idea for my first children’s book, The Unicorn Angel, came to me whilst I was
in our swimming pool, for some reason. My horse book was based on my experiences and The Poinciana Tree, a crime mystery, came about because I thought this beautiful tree, which grows where I live, would make a great cover!

That’s a good enough reason. I was once inspired by a cheese sandwich.

Love these covers.

Some writers set themselves daily targets. Do you set time aside for writing?

No, it’s more of a hobby for me.  I write when I feel like it – often when it’s raining and I can’t go outside.

Me too. Most of my writing gets done over the winter.

Would you say your novels are plot driven or character driven?

Apart from my horse book, which is told by Winston himself, probably plot-driven.

How much do you think your life experience colours your characters and their actions?

I think all authors are influenced by life experiences.  When I wrote my first book, I took to heart the saying ‘write about what you know’; now, I would say, it’s more about imagination.

Which of your books is your favourite? Tell us something about it.

Winston – A Horse’s Tale is my favourite and outsells my
others. Here is the blurb:

One for horse lovers from teenagers upwards!  Winston is a good-looking palomino horse whose life involves several different owners and many adventures.  As you read his story, told by Winston himself, you will appreciate horse ownership from the horse’s point of view.  Born on a country property in Australia, Winston tells of his breaking-in and education and the different people he encounters – good, bad and ignorant.  As well as his own story, Winston includes the experiences of other horses he meets along life’s way. 

Whether it’s jumping, eventing, hunting or just hacking, Winston tries hard to please his rider. Follow his successes and his failures from his breaking-in to his show jumping win. It is an eventful life – the story of one Australian horse out of thousands, but one that you will remember.



That sounds intriguing. I remember loving Black Beauty as a child, told by the horse.

I’m sure readers would love a sample of your work. Have you an excerpt you can share with us?

And now for something completely different… excerpt from my crime mystery Dangerous Associations:

“Would you like coffee?” I asked innocently as I cleared away the remains of our chocolate raspberry dessert.

“I think you know what I want young lady, and it’s not coffee” he replied as he stood up and took hold of me. 

He kissed me until neither of us had any air left in our lungs and I led him in to the bedroom.  Our lovemaking was just amazing.  As I gazed at him afterwards, lying next to me naked as if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to be in my bed, I felt as if my whole world had just been turned upside down.

 “Cathy” he said, taking my hand in his and pressing it to his lips “I think I’m falling for you in a big way.”

“Me too” was all I could manage. 

The night passed in a blur of passion, contentment and a little sleep. 

“Take the day off” he begged me in the morning over the breakfast table.  “I can’t bear to let you go just yet.  Say you’ll spend the day with me, please?” 

He gazed earnestly in to my eyes.  What could I say?  I ran through my diary in my mind’s eye – was there anything there that I couldn’t miss?  Fortunately I couldn’t think of anything and I made the call to my boss.  She was very sympathetic and told me not to return until I was completely well.  I hadn’t taken a sick day since I had started working for the firm, so I didn’t feel too bad about it. 

We spent the day talking and making love.  We had so much in common.  He was my soul-mate, I was sure of it.  When he had to leave for work I was exhausted from the intensity of the last few hours.  He kissed me tenderly as he left and I sank on to the lounge, sorry to see him go but pleased to have a chance to run the last few hours through my mind.  It had been incredible.  I relived every minute and then my thoughts drifted to Geoffrey.  How different Rob was, in every way.



That sounds very intense


What are you working on at the moment?

I’m working on a detective story, Murder at the Tennis Club, featuring DI Mark Williamson who has moved from Sydney, Australia to Queensland, for a quieter life. 

Have you a new release you’d like to tell us about?

I hope to release Murder at the Tennis Club in the next couple of months.

What advice would you give to a budding author?

Just do it!  Now that you can self-publish, your manuscript doesn’t need to languish in a desk drawer.  Someone famously said that you can’t edit a blank page.  Write it and edit, edit, edit!

I shall remember that! Great advice.

Where can we see your books or find out more about you?

My website is
and each week I interview a different author.

I am also on:




Thank you, Rita. It’s been lovely to get to know you and your work a little better. I hope readers will be inspired to take a closer look.

Good luck with your new release.

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